Man Bites Dog (1993)

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Also known as It Happened In Your Neighborhood, Man Bites Dog is a French mockumentary that explores the art of documentary film-making.  Sort of.

This is a film that follows a very charismatic serial killer around a city.  He jokes with the crew, he bitches about nondescript things, and for the most part he’s pretty much just a normal, classy dude except for that whole ‘killing innocent people and taking their money’ part.  As the plot progresses, the film-makers start to take part in the killings and even aid the, um, protagonist, with the disposal of the victims’ bodies.  Stockholm Syndrome at its finest!

This movie is remarkable because of three things.  1) It was shot on a shoe-string budget [which means it cost very little money because the producers were broke as shit].  2) In 1993 one would’ve never expected that reality TV could get this absurd; this was practically unheard of at the time.  3) Man Bites Dog is incredibly violent.  I guess a movie that follows a serial killer goes without saying in THAT department.  Some of the more outlandish scenes still give me chills.  Don’t let your kids watch this one, folks!


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