Layer Cake (2004)


Layer Cake (2004) is a movie about Daniel Craig, played by a guy, who is a drug runner with a mere few days until his retirement. He receives a request from one of the old school kingpins to find another kingpin’s daughter, a task slightly unusual for just a middleman that moves X pills from one guy to another guy. As drug stories are wont to do, shit gets out of hand real fast.

Every scene in this film is wonderful. Great blocking, great editing, great characters, careful attention to detail… There are about 4 plots that are intricately tied together and plenty more things happening on top of that to keep you guessing and/or pining for resolution. While confusing on a first-watch, you’ll hopefully get a sense that you kind of know what’s going on and the movie compels you to give it another go to see how much you can remember. Also you can sit there and drool over Daniel’s chiseled great abs or Miles O’Brien’s badassitude or the drug gangs’ sterling fashion sense. Look at all these choices!


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