The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

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The Dark Knight Rises (or The Dark Knight II: Gothic Boogaloo) is the final volume of the epic Batman Reboot Saga directed by Christopher Nolan.  Eight years have passed since the events of The Dark Knight I.  Bruce Wayne is a crippled shut-in for some reason, lamenting the loss of his one true love Rachel Dawes.  Gotham’s streets have been swept up in a fury of justice thanks to the Harvey Dent Act–a law that basically allows cops to throw criminals in jail for whatever. The Goddamn Batman is a fugitive no one has seen in years, having taken the fall for the loss of Harvey Dent, his vigilante modus operandi no longer viable in a post-Two-Face world. As a result of all of this, Gotham has found itself in the midst of a Golden Age where no crime happens whatsoever and there’s no bad guy waiting in the wings to destroy it for any reason.  The end.


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