Tag Archives: Aimee Teegarden

Beautiful Wave (2011)

The road to nowhere.

Beautiful Wave is a road-trip movie about this girl who is sent to live on her Grandmother’s beachfront property for the summer. She finds a special treasure map in her Grandma’s stuff that is clouded with mystery. Apparently, her Grandpappy was a badass surfer in Vietnam or something: the map details a path from wave to wave all the way to Baja. Too bad she has a major fear of the water and refuses to straddle a surf board! If she wasn’t so uptight she’d probably have a lot of fun!  Maybe her surfer friends can convince her to overcome the tragic and terrible loss of her father who died in the ocean after saving her from drowning.  They could do it in a week I bet by telling her to cut loose a little.  No biggie!

I personally don’t get “surfer” movies. What’s the point other than showing off the beautiful beaches of California, the hot babes of California, and to constantly remind everyone how great it is to be a surfer in California? I suppose I probably have issues with many sports movies because of this line of thinking but hey, at least I can play basketball in more than 10 places on Earth.  Seriously, California’s not that interesting.  I saw Baywatch once. It’s really all I need to know.

This movie is dry and boring. The characters aren’t interesting, there’s not enough hotties in swimsuits, and shots meant to chew the beautiful scenery mostly fall flat with zero potential. I can appreciate that they tried to do… something… with the scenario by throwing in something about poachers and drowning, but the whole thing is just disjointed and painstakingly dull. I guess I don’t understand. I wasn’t there.