Tag Archives: James Bond

Thunderball (1965)

Image credit: themoviedb.org

Thunderball is a film where Bond.  James Bond.  Must foil the criminal organization SPECTRE from ransoming ‘merica with some stolen nuclear weapons.  Along the way he meets some really nice people and kills them while banging supermodels, sometimes in the same scene.

As far as Bond films go, this one is unremarkably average.  Its visual themes rely on snorkeling and underwater diving; it contains a lot of shots of the Caribbean’s immaculate ocean floor with some sharks thrown in to escalate tension.  If you’ve seen any National Geographic specials in the last 10 years, they’re nothing to write home about.  Maybe they were brilliant for the time, though.

What I would really like to comment on is the end battle sequence.  It’s basically this really weird underwater polo game with harpoon guns and violence approaching slapstick levels.  It could’ve been something great maybe, but it went on for way too long and I was bored out of my brain about halfway through.
