Tag Archives: Mike Judge

Extract (2009)

Extract (2009)

Directed by:  Mike Judge
Starring:  Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, Kristen Wiig

Something I’ve noticed about a lot of plots these days is that a lot of conflict stems from people not talking to each other.   Then the story kind of evolves organically as the consequences unfold.  I don’t think it’s a bad thing as this allows performers to play off each other in ways that might not be otherwise available.  Though predictable, it can still be joyful and satisfying to watch.  So when you use this construct to drive your comedy, it seems only appropriate to get your players into some scenes together to establish that yes they have an important relationship.

Extract shies away from this formula, opting instead for the multi-threaded plot approach anchored by the prospect of a successful buyout of Joel Reynolds’ extract business.  Hijinks ensue when a freak accident severs an employee’s testicle, leading to a potential lawsuit that would cripple the company’s bottom line if successful.  Meanwhile, Reynolds seeks help from hippy bartender Ben Affleck to resolve the sexlessness of his marriage via means of a total boob of a gigolo.  And Mila Kunis has an objective of getting a piece of that succulent lawsuit pie after seeing the teste accident in the papers.  And still no one seems to be talking to each other.  Well, not meaningfully at least.

All of these things serve to make a mostly average film that lacks focus in spite of some really good line reads (Jason Bateman screaming the word ‘motherfucker’ fills me with joy).  I get a sense that all of the operatives here are working completely independently of each other and they all just happen to be heading to the same place: the end of the movie.  This leads to some disjointed pacing and no real chance for any two people’s relationships to move to the next level.  All the important character development happens off screen, which a strange thing to say about a 90-minute film with some pretty clever jokes inside.  With a little more polish, Extract could’ve been more than just an afterthought.

Memorable Quotes

“I think when you lose your balls it kind of mellows you out.”
–J.K. Simmons

“You must be incredibly rich.”
“Eh, I got a 7 Series BMW and some clothes………”

“I hate landscaping, but I like getting laid.”

“Hot girls need jobs, too.”
“But do they really?”
